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Publication & Paper Presentations

  • Clinical appraisal of A.lumbricoides with special reference to surgical complications – B.Mukhopadhyay, S.Saha et al., Pediatr Surg Int 2001: 17; vol.5-6
  • Small intestinal obstruction in children due to phytobezoars : 2 case reports – S.Saha, D.Ghosh, S.Das. J Ind Asso Pediatr Surg 2001: 6; 84.
  • Leech in Urinary Bladder – D.Ghosh, S.Saha, S.Das. J Ind Asso Pediatr Surg 2002: 7; 46.
  • Limb Gangrene following intramuscular injection of long acting Penicillin – D.Ghosh, S.Saha, S.Das . J Ind Asso Pediatr Surg 2002: 7; 92.
  • Intestinal obstruction in children and history of roundworm expulsion – cause or co-incidence? – S.Saha, D.Ghosh, S.Das. J Ind Asso Pediatr Surg 2002: 7; 13.
  • A case of pneumoperitoneum and surgical emphysema – S.Saha, D.Ghosh, S.Das . J Ind Asso Pediatr Surg 2002: 7; 147.
  • Bladder Voiding Disorders - from a Pediatrician’s perspective – S Banerjee, S.Saha. Annals of The Institute of Child Health, Calcutta 2005: 6; 1.
  • ‘Minimal Invasive Surgery for Inguinal Hernia in Children’ – A chapter in “Introduction to Endo-hernia Surgery - a monograph , 1st Edition, 2005.
  • Posterior Urethral Valves – Role of continuing Evaluation and Management – A chapter in ‘Proceedings of Silver Jubilee Pedicon’ published during Siver Jubilee State Conference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics, West Bengal held on 16th and 17th December, 2006.
  • Segmental ileal obstruction in neonates – a rare entity. – S. Saha, H.Konar eat al. J Pediatr Surg 2009: 44(9); 1827 – 30.

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